It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but Christmas can be stressful.
There, we’ve said it. Hands up if you agree.
According to research, 51% of women have their hands in the air, compared to just 34% of men.
A fleeting glance at the Christmas to-do list and the chasm between men and women becomes a little clearer:
- Cooking
- Buying presents
- Decorating your home
- Keeping children entertained
- Cleaning up after family gatherings…
The list of tasks can feel endless.
So, even if you look forward to it all year, once you’ve ticked off everything on your lengthy list, there’s little surprise that you may be feeling a tad stressed and overwhelmed by the time Christmas arrives.
Potential family tensions, the silent but ever-present pressure to socialise, and over-excited children on a sugar high doesn’t exactly scream “fun” either.
If anything you’ve read here strikes a chord, read on because our Christmas gift to you are five achievable tips to stay calm and beat the Xmas stress.
1. Delegate
If you usually host Christmas dinner, or any other traditional gathering for family or friends, instead of taking on all the work yourself, share some of the tasks with your guests.
Make a list of what needs doing, cooking, or buying and assign everyone an area of responsibility. You can even involve youngsters by putting them in charge of the decorations or asking teens to make a suitable playlist.
2. Drop the perfect
By the time you read this, you’ll have had picture-perfect ideas and cutesy Christmas images blasted at you for weeks.
Pay no attention and do things your way. Sometimes it really is the imperfect stuff that makes life better.
Above all, let go of unrealistic expectations. So what if your dog knocked the tree over so many times it was past its best a week ago? And who’s going to notice that your pavlova doesn’t arrive looking as bountiful as Nigella’s once they taste it.
There’s little point in sweating the small stuff.
Christmas comes but once a year (thank goodness!), so direct your energies into the bits that really matter.
3. Prioritise the happy stuff
Just because it’s Christmas, doesn’t mean you have to say “yes” to every invite that comes your way.
Commit to the events that matter to you most. Choose the ones where you’ll get to see your favourite people, or those that involve an activity that you love over visiting Auntie Freda just because you should.
Alternatively, instead of having to rock up to multiple outings, you could try merging friend and family groups together for one big festive catch-up.
4. Take 10
Set aside 10 minutes a day for yourself.
Instead of scrolling your phone or responding to messages, use the time to simply sit alone in a quiet room and close your eyes.
Take three deep breaths and try to clear your mind of all worries.
Your brain will try to snag you into thinking again, but everything can wait 10 minutes. Just sit with yourself, keep breathing, and feel the tension seep away.
10 minutes away from the hubbub to allow yourself to breathe and rest will have you recharged and ready to go again far faster than another chocolate from the tree or a splash of your favourite Christmas tipple.
5. Go for a walk
Even when the weather outside is frightful, a dose of fresh air can do wonders.
So, wrap up against the elements and have a daily walk.
Not only will it get you out of the house (and potentially away from your least favourite relative) but fresh air and exercise is a natural mood enhancer. We have it on good authority that it even beats a glass of Baileys – unbelievable!