David Parkinson

Financial Planner


David has more than 25 years’ experience looking after clients’ financial matters including mortgages, protection, pensions, and investments. He tends to work on a personal recommendation basis and offers regular reviews to his existing clients.


David lives in Chadderton with his partner Julie, and they have been together for 18 years. He loves travelling around the UK and holidays abroad in the sun. David is also a lifelong Man City fan.

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser David Parkinson, Wigan

On an ideal weekend, you can find me:

Out and about and trying to avoid supermarkets and failing miserably

My favourite holiday destination is:

Anywhere hot and sunny

The first album I bought was:

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

If I could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, I would win a medal in:

Daydreaming about retiring to Cyprus

When the dessert menu arrives, I’m looking for:

Sticky toffee pudding and custard

The three qualities that draw me to new people are:

Looks, personality and a sense of humour

My pet peeve is:


The best gift I’ve ever received is:

Life itself

The three people at my dream dinner party would be:

David Bowie, Sophie Marceau and Pep Guardiola
