Guide: How to find purpose and get the most out of your retirement

Retirement might be a chapter of your life you’ve been looking forward to for years. Perhaps you’ve been daydreaming about how you’ll make use of the extra time, or you’ve already planned an adventure to kickstart your life after work.

Yet, for many people, retirement can be a difficult adjustment.

While work often means less freedom, it might provide you with a sense of purpose and a structure to your days and weeks. Suddenly stepping away from a routine you may have followed for decades can be jarring. So, if you feel adrift when you retire, you’re not alone.

Finding a new purpose you’re passionate about could be imperative to your happiness and wellbeing in retirement.

This practical guide offers some ways you could embrace a new lifestyle that balances freedom and purpose, including:

  • Discovering your passions
  • Finding a daily routine that works for you
  • Prioritising your physical and mental health
  • Making time to connect with people
  • Playing a role in your community.

Download your copy of ‘How to find purpose and get the most out of your retirement’ to read practical tips and key areas you might want to consider when you retire.

If you have any questions about how to get more out of your retirement, please contact us

Please note:

This guide is for general information only and does not constitute advice. This information is aimed at retail clients only.

Approved by The Openwork Partnership on 07/06/2024.

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